Saturday, September 18, 2010

Air gear!

This is a fanfic character design for air gear.  I just started reading the manga the other day.... the story is bogus, but I love the art and the fun nature to it.  The art work is a little racy to I don't recommend it for all readers.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Older portraits

A compilation of some older works... all portraits of people and friends.  The first is a triportrait of my 3 cousins (a christmas present, that was printed on a 3 foot canvas). The next 4 are self portraits... don't ask. And the 5th is a sketch study I did from a Maya(the sounds) picture I scraped of google from someone a year or so ago. And number 6 is of my friend becky, she asked for a portrait for her birthday, I had some free time.  What can I say to the rest of you who want portraits?  Make sure the stars are aligned just right, and I might get around to it.  The second last one is a color over I did of royalty free line art I got over at in the new media coloring book thread on their forums.  I think the artist's name is skaazi or sumthing like that.  The very last is a wedding invitation I did for some very good friends of mine.  I believe this is a higher rez'd version than the card they sent out so feel free to look close and enjoy the details that would have been cut off in the bleed.