Thursday, December 23, 2010

More shape tool and environment study

Some kinda mountain snow lake thingy.  Just went where the shapes took me... quite fun i must say!

The shape tool

Just a painting mimicking the shape tool technique started by sparth, an industrial conceptual artist I admire.

For those of you with any kind of photoshop vocabulary I basically turned chunks of pictures off the internet into custom shapes, and then drop the chunks out onto the canvas to build the environment. Then with different layer styles and brushes I add a bit of color and value to the whole thing.  A painting like this could be done in 10 min if I was on the ball and going as fast as possible.  But im still learning the technique.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Some random guy from my head.  Steam-punk medieval farmer of sorts.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Cinimatic study...

I wanna work on my suggestive shape structure and color/environmental light modes.

And I saw this epic shot in a movie and decided to study it.  Took about 1.5 hours, but I was flipping back and forth between trying to get my torrent downloads to work and painting.  So maybe 45 min.  Was a good night!

Study from the fan made film The Hunt for Gholem...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Air gear!

This is a fanfic character design for air gear.  I just started reading the manga the other day.... the story is bogus, but I love the art and the fun nature to it.  The art work is a little racy to I don't recommend it for all readers.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Older portraits

A compilation of some older works... all portraits of people and friends.  The first is a triportrait of my 3 cousins (a christmas present, that was printed on a 3 foot canvas). The next 4 are self portraits... don't ask. And the 5th is a sketch study I did from a Maya(the sounds) picture I scraped of google from someone a year or so ago. And number 6 is of my friend becky, she asked for a portrait for her birthday, I had some free time.  What can I say to the rest of you who want portraits?  Make sure the stars are aligned just right, and I might get around to it.  The second last one is a color over I did of royalty free line art I got over at in the new media coloring book thread on their forums.  I think the artist's name is skaazi or sumthing like that.  The very last is a wedding invitation I did for some very good friends of mine.  I believe this is a higher rez'd version than the card they sent out so feel free to look close and enjoy the details that would have been cut off in the bleed.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

quick sketch

here's a character study again, for the shark apocalypse.

His name is Don Megala.

Shark boy and lave girl

Some other fun sketches.  I had a friend ask me to post some older stuff.  The fighter one is a GSP study. And the lower is my redesigns of shark boy and lava girl.  Maybe if I get around to it, I'll scan some really old stuff from Highschool so you can see some progress, and laugh at the funny dragon ball z cartoons I drew!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Shark Man

The child of apocalypse.  A character study of a character from my cousin's story he's creating about a shark child that starts the apocalypse.  He's a great story writer and composer and teller.  Check him out here: and music here:

I've also been writing short stories that parallel his plot line and characters.  Will be starting another blog cataloguing the shorts that I write as well.